Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Extension

Nowadays, shipping is an important issue that most online businesses focus on. For online items, an automatic shipping management is necessary to ensure every order to be delivered on time. Product Delivery date for Virtuemart 3.0.2 plugin can do you even more than that. It will control delivery time and date automatically instead of manually recording theme.

Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Extension
Nowadays, shipping is an important issue that most online businesses focus on. For online items, an automatic shipping management is necessary to ensure every order to be delivered on time. Product Delivery date for Virtuemart 3.0.2 plugin can do you even more than that. It will control delivery time and date automatically instead of manually recording theme.

How it works
The extension works based on configuration on back-end. According to that, admin can custom the delivery time and date so that it can suitable for your business plan.

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* Advanced date selection
Customers can select an exact date or a more flexible with a period of time. The plug-in shows date on a calendar bringing a nice experience for customers. They can pick up the date quickly without choosing manually.

* Advanced time selection
Like date, customers can also select time as a point of time or a period of time. There is a time slider for you to select time easily by dragging without filling manually.

* Date blocking function
For holidays or days off, you can totally block those dates so that customers will be unable to select them. It’s so easy to control your shipping plan.

* Shown on invoice
The information of delivery date and time will be displayed clearly on invoice. Shop owner can know when to deliver the order.

* Customized layout
In admin panel, setting allows you adjusting the color of the plugin. So you can apply favorite color or suitable color to your store.

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* Smart time slider and calendar

* Block holidays or days off

* No need to log-in

* Make a drop-down list of location or time

* Flexible select time and date (a point of time or period of time)

* Customized style

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Version 5.1.0 Updated: 2021, Jan 25
+ Compatible with Joomla 3.9.x, Virtuemart 3.8.x

+ Added: Option block after time

+ Added: Delivery rule

+ Added: Delivery Calendar

+ Fixed Bug: Conflict with Cmsmart One Page Checkout

+ Fixed Bug: Some CSS bugs

+ Fixed Bug: Javascript error validate language text with single quote characters

+ Fixed Bug: Do not clear date time cookies after order done.

Version 5.0.3 Updated: 2019, Feb 28

+ Compatible with Joomla 3.9.x, Virtuemart 3.4.x

+ Added: Option max days of delivery date

+ Fixed Bug: Delivery date and time values not being returned with order of client

+ Fixed Bug: Do not check required time list after change

+ Fixed Bug: Do not working with One page checkout for Virtuemart

+ Fixed Bug: Do not have delivery date time on email when working with One Page Checkout

+ Fixed Bug: Some small CSS errors

Version 5.0.2 Updated: 2018, Oct 01

+ Added: Add Deutsch (Deutschland) language

+ Added: Options required time and required date

+ Added: Option change location show delivery date time block

+ Fix Bug: Don not show language text on PHP 7 + update language folder

+ Fix Bug: Delivery date and time required enter twice when use time list

+ Fix Bug: Not required time list after reload cart page

Version 5.0.1 Updated: 2018, Jul 13

+ Compatible with Joomla 3.8.x and Virtuemart 3.2.x

+ Added: Automatic change Date Picker language by current Joomla language

+ Added: Support Touch-Friendly when select time on Mobile Phone

+ Fixed Bug: Delivery Date not show when view order back-end

+ Fixed Bug: Broken view on checkout page

+ Fixed Bug: Date input missing 2 last digits number of year

+ Fixed Bug: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$checked on plugin back-end

+ Fixed Bug: Small CSS error


Compatible with Joomla 3.4.x & VM 3.0.12
Fixed bug:

+ Don't keep input of the date when click [check out now] button

+ Don't enter proper about the interval but successful order

+ Delivery date is required filed

+ Don't show Drag and drop type of delivery time in front-end

+ Don't disable [date block list]

+ Added dropdown's the color of delivery time

+ [Block after] field not correct with [Due to] field

+ [Block after] field can input other characters which is not digits


+ Change product's name is Advance delivery date & time for Virtuemart

+ Allowed creating different delivery date & time based on the country, the state and zipcode


- Allowing to set up format date

- Allowing to adjust displaying of delivery time with 2 options

- Selecting interval time

- Drag time option

- Allowing to setup displaying of the delivery day after current day

- Config and display delivery city


Fix Bugs

- Date Picker Font Error

- Time Picker malfunction

- Database error while placing an order

- Broken Icons on frontend

- Date Block error

- Typing custom date does not work

- Required notice error

- Not showing delivery date – time on FE after placing orders

- Previous dates are not blocked

- Form display error when cancelling payment, changing shipments or payments


+ Compatible with Joomla 3.x and VM 2.9.8
+ Fix bug of displaying and hiding properties in admin configuration, icon and text overlapped.
+ Fix bug of not printing delivery date and time on checkout page successfully.

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Installation Service:

How to install Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Extension

You can install Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Extension via Joomla Installer.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Extension package from the official website.
  2. Login to your Joomla website's administrator dashboard.
  3. Go to the "Extensions" tab and select "Manage" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the "Upload Package File" tab and select the Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Extension package that you downloaded.
  5. Click the "Upload & Install" button to install the extension.
  6. You will see a confirmation message when the installation is complete.

That's it! You can now use Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Extension on your Joomla website.

Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Language Files

Is Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart not available in your language?

We understand that not all extensions come equipped with language files, which can make it difficult for non-English speakers to fully utilize them. That's where our Language File Creation service comes in.

Great news!

ExtensionPlazza has now introduced a new feature to help Joomla users worldwide:

With our Joomla Extension Translation Tool, you no longer have to worry about language barriers preventing you from using the Joomla extensions you need. Our tool allows you to easily translate Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Language Files to any language you require, making it easier than ever before to use Joomla extensions in your preferred language.

Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart Extension Customization

Do you need Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart to do more than what it currently offers? Our expert team can help you extend or customize Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart to meet your specific needs and requirements.

At ExtensionPlazza, we specialize in Joomla extension development and customization, and we are committed to providing exceptional services to our clients. We have extensive experience working with Joomla and related technologies, and we can help you create a solution that is tailored to your unique business requirements.

Whether you need a

  • custom integration,
  • additional features,
  • or a complete overhaul of the extension
we are here to help. We will work closely with you to understand your needs and requirements and develop a solution that exceeds your expectations.

Contact us today to learn more about our extension customization and extension development services, and how we can help you take your project to the next level.

You can reach us through the following channels:

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Extension Specifications

Current Version
Created on
19 November 2014
Last updated on
17 March 2021
Joomla 3
Extension Type
Free or Premium
Premium Joomla Extension
Listed in
Joomla VirtueMart Extensions Extensions
Developed by
Cmsmart Team


Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart,
Joomla 3 Compatible Joomla Delivery Date For Virtuemart is reviewed
4.95 out of 5 by 19 Joomla user(s)

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