Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Extension

HIGH PERFORMANCE SEARCH FOR JOOMLA! Geek ElasticSearch is the most powerful, extremely fast, highly relevant and flexible search and filter system for your Joomla site. Our extension uses the Elasticsearch engine - a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine to index data and perform the search. Hence, it is possible to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data quickly and return search results in near real-time that other PHP-MySQL based search extensions can't do.

Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Extension
Geek ElasticSearch is the most powerful, extremely fast, highly relevant and flexible search and filter system for your Joomla site. Our extension uses the Elasticsearch engine - a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine to index data and perform the search. Hence, it is possible to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data quickly and return search results in near real-time that other PHP-MySQL based search extensions can't do.

Search is one of the most important and powerful tools in any website, especially for online stores and websites that have huge amounts of data. It helps quickly deliver relevant results to your customers, hence it helps to keep customers stay on your site longer and increase interactions and sales.

With a powerful search and multiple facet filters system, Geek ElasticSearch enables users to quickly find an expected items from thousands or millions of records in just a few seconds.

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Powered by leading Search Engine
Elasticsearch is an open-source, RESTful, distributed search and analytics engine built on Apache Lucene. Since the first version of Elasticsearch was released in 2010, it has quickly become the most popular search engine, and is commonly used for log analytics, full-text search, and operational intelligence use cases.

Real-time search
Fast, very fast speed is the first thing that Elasticsearch will impress you. Once you finish typing in search box, select types or change a search mode, search result is immediately returned without a delay.

Multiple Facet Filters
The component provides a powerful filter system that enables users to filter search results by content type, by categories, by language, by access, by author, by custom fields of Joomla, VirtueMart, eShopping, AdsManager, JReviews, .. This helps users quickly find expected results from thousands or millions of records with just some simple clicks.

Geo-distance Query
This feature specially supports location-based extensions such as EasySocial, JomSocial, JEvents, DJ-Classifieds,… It enables users to narrow search results within a specific distance from a geo point.

Advanced search module
You can control everything on search form and search result like specifying which types of content will be returned, optimizing search results with Scoring and Boosting or controlling number of items per page ..etc..

Supports Fuzzy Search
A Fuzzy search returns documents that contain terms similar to the search term. You can find what you are searching for even though you have a spelling mistake. Exact and highly relevant matches appear near the top of the list. For example: If you search for Kolumbia. It will return search results that contain the correct spelling of Columbia or Colombia, ...
It is especially useful when researching unfamiliar, foreign-language, or sophisticated terms, the proper spellings of which are not widely known.

Managing Big data
New technology that marries big data concepts with search can provide revolutionary improvements in the reliability, cost-of-ownership and flexibility. The technology trusted by many big companies and organizations like Ebay, Mozilla, Github, …

Update Index Settings
This advanced feature enables to take full advantage of Elasticsearch’s abilities. It enables you to configure the analyzer for the index, to change *Character Filters*, *Tokenizer* and *Token Filters* to meet the requirements of search that your website needs.

Support 3rd party extensions
Geek ElasticSearch works compatibility with most Joomla! core data. Moreover, it provides plugins to index data of 3rd party extensions like Virtuemart, Kunena, K2... then make the indexed data available for search results.

Incremental Update
The component supports to run incremental update of the index. It will only update the content that have only partially changed. It improves indexing time because only part of a content is indexed instead of having to re-index the entire the content.

Cron Job
You can setup task to run indexing of your content automatically from a cron job, Geek ElasticSearch indexer can be run as a command-line application.

RSS Feed - Search Alerts
Supports to generate RSS Feed for search results. This is very useful feature in case users want to get a notification from your website for a new articles, new products (VirtueMart, HikaShop, JoomShoping,...), new documents (DOCman), etc…

Keep up-to-date
The component comes with two plugins with functions of trigger during the content creation process of Joomla components and immediately update the ElasticSearch index.

Manage Indexed Content
This feature offers a helpful option to control which items available or unavailable to visitors on your website.

Support Amazon Elasticsearch
Geek ElasticSearch supports Amazon Elasticsearch Service - a professional solution for those who are not familiar with installation and configuration of Elasticsearch service.This make it easy to deploy, operate, and scale Elasticsearch in the AWS Cloud.

Searchly is an alternative provider of hosted Elasticsearch solution which is away from AWS, It offers you a good service with a reasonable price.

**Support multiple versions of Elasticsearch
The component supports multiple versions of Elasticsearch including Elasticsearch 2.x, Elasticsearch 5.x, Elasticsearch 6.x, Elasticsearch 7.x, Elasticsearch 8.x and Open Search (the fork version of Elasticsearch 7.x)


Elasticsearch is an open source (Apache 2 license), distributed, a RESTful search engine built on top of the Apache Lucene library. Elasticsearch was introduced a few years after Solr. It offers a distributed, multitenant-capable, full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface (REST) and schema-free JSON documents. The distributed search engine includes indices that can be divided into shards, and each shard can have multiple replicas. Each Elasticsearch node can have one or more shards, and its engine also acts as a coordinator to delegate operations to the correct shard(s). Elasticsearch is scalable with near real-time search. The major feature list includes: Distributed search, Search Analytics, Grouping & aggregation, Search Analyzers, Token Filters, Search Highlighter, Geo Distance Query, ...


Geek ElasticSearch supports 3 hosted ElasticSearch services that are Searchly, Elastic Cloud and AWS ElasticSearch.
- Elastic Cloud: is the best way to consume all of Elastic's products across any cloud. Easily deploy in your favorite public cloud, or in multiple clouds, and extend the value of Elastic with cloud-native features. Accelerate results that matter, securely and at scale.
- AWS OpenSearch: Amazon OpenSearch Service makes it easy for you to perform interactive log analytics, real-time application monitoring, website search, and more. OpenSearch is an open source, distributed search and analytics suite derived from Elasticsearch. Amazon OpenSearch Service is the successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service, and offers the latest versions of OpenSearch, support for 19 versions of Elasticsearch (1.5 to 7.10 versions), as well as visualization capabilities powered by OpenSearch Dashboards and Kibana (1.5 to 7.10 versions). Amazon OpenSearch Service currently has tens of thousands of active customers with hundreds of thousands of clusters under management processing hundreds of trillions of requests per month.
- Searchly offers you another option of hosting cloud search with a reasonable price, you can select a plan that suits your needs.


If you don't want to pay for hosted ElasticSearch service provider, you absolutely can download and install Elasticsearch service to your server. But, It requires you to have a knowledge of server configuration. If your server already supports ElasticSearch service, Geek ElasticSearch should work well with this service.


*60+ integration plugins already packed without needing additional payments.*

- JomSocial 3.x and 4.x (Albums, Events, Groups, Users, Videos)
- EasySocial 1.x & 2.0 (Albums, Events, Groups, Pages, Photos, Users, Videos, Stream, Discussions + Replies)
- Community Builder (Albums, Groups, Blogs, Users)
- SP Page Builder (Pages)
- JReviews (Custom fields)
- J-BusinessDirectory (Companies, Events, Offers)
- Zoo CCK (Items)
- FlexiContent (Custom fields)
- VirtueMart (Categories, Manufacturers, Products)
- HikaShop (Categories, Products, Filter by characteristics and custom fields)
- JoomShopping (Categories, Products)
- MijoShop (Products)
- JooCart (Products)
- J2Store (Products)
- JEvents
- DOCman (Documents)
- Kunena (Posts)
- EasyDiscuss (Posts)
- K2 (Items)
- EasyBlog (Entries)
- Guru Pro (Courses)
- DJ-Classifieds (Items)
- DJ-Catalog2 (Items)
- OS Property
- Event Booking
- Eshop
- EDocman
- DigiCom (Products)
- MediaStore (Products)
- Content
- Quick2Cart
- JTicketing
- JGive
- ADriectory.
- DPCalendar.
- EasyProfile.
- RSFiles.
- JoomCRM
- Matukio Events
- My Map Location
- Custom Fields
- Contact
- Category
- News Feed
- Tag
- And more to come ...


Version 5.7.1 - New Features & Improvements release
*Release Date: Nov 13, 2024*
- Added. setting of Top image - max height.
- Fixed. Javascript error if item route is null.
- Improved. style of Search input box.

Version 5.7.0 - New Features & Improvements release
*Release Date: Nov 07, 2024*
- New. Support J-BusinessDirectory (Companies, Events, Offers).
- New. Support grid layouts.
- New. Support dual pagination.
- New. Support new pagination types.
- New. Set image position.
- New. Add search icon inside search bar.
- New. Support Reset form feature.
- Improved. Replace old icons with new SVG icons.
- Improved. Hide description text if the description length is set to 0.
- Improved. Form style.
- Improved. Load Bootstrap 5.3 for all version of Joomla.

Version 5.6.0 - New Features & Improvements release
*Release Date: July 16, 2024*

- Improved. Upgrade to work compatible with PHP 8.3.
- Improved. Change some fields on the configuration page to mandatory fields.
- Search module:
- New. Clear the search results when deleting the search word.
- New. Get search word from query string (e.g: /search-page?searchword=test)
- New. Do a search when selecting date (from, to).
- New. Do a search when clearing the Location.
- New. Support finds my location (location field).
- New. Add the setting of the distance unit.
- Improved. function cut description with Elasticsearch Highlighting.
- Improved. Refactoring code of the script file.
- Fixed. Order filter terms by title do not work if using Elasticsearch from version 6.x and above.
- Fixed. Translating additional field values does not work.
- Support new integrations:
- New. Plugin that indexes JoomCRM (companies, people).
- New. Plugin that indexes MyMapLocation
- New. Plugin that indexes Matukio Events
- Improved. plugin that VirtueMart products
- New. Add a new setting of selecting a Menu item.
- New. Support plugin Customs For All.
- Improved. Check price override.
- Improved. Use the parent image if the child product has no image.
- Improved. Hide discontinued products from search results.

Version 5.5.1 - Bug fix release
*Release Date: Nov 10, 2023*
- Fixed. Class JFactory not found when run cron job in Joomla 5.

Version 5.5.0 - Joomla! 5 Upgrade
*Release Date: Oct 24, 2023*
- Upgraded. compatibility with Joomla 5.0.0.
- Fixed. error loading core.js file.
- Fixed. language texts that contain double quotes.

Version 5.4.1 - New Features & Bug Fix Release
*Release Date: Jun 13, 2023*
- New. Supports filtering articles by tags.
- Fixed. error getting categories of Kunena 6 in Joomla 4.

Version 5.4.0 - New Features & Bug Fix Release
*Release Date: May 31, 2023*
- New. Supports ADriectory.
- New. Supports DPCalendar.
- New. Supports EasyProfile.
- New. Supports RSFiles.
- Fixed. error indexing data of Kunena 6 in Joomla 4 (NOTE: In Joomla 4, Kunena not works in CLI app - cron job).

Version 5.3.1 - Bug Fix Release
*Release Date: May 18, 2023*
- Fixed. 500 error: select::optgroup not found (Plugin indexes articles).

Version 5.3.0 - New Features Release
*Release Date: Jul 21, 2022*
- New. feature Search only in the title.
- New. Set the minimum length of search word that users must type before a search is performed (applied for instant search).
- New. Highlight keyword that contains wildcard character.
- Updated. the library Mark.js (text highlighter) to the latest version 9.0.0.
- Improved. function Smart Description Cutter.
- New. Add a setting to get image from content [Article].
- Fixed. Error missing image in browser console. Use blank image as a placeholder (replace for template variable).

Version 5.2.0 - New Feature & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: May 11, 2022*
- New. Supports Quick2Cart.
- New. Supports JTicketing.
- New. Supports JGive.
- New. Filter by ZOO custom fields.
- Fixed. Bug load more facet terms feature not work correctly.
- Fixed. JavaScript error if the setting Show Date is enabled [Joomla4].
- Fixed. Bug Joomla Core Javascript file is not loaded in some case.

Version 5.1.0 - New Feature & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Mar 18, 2022*
- New. Supports Community Builder (Users, Albums, Groups, Blogs).
- New. Filter by Hikashop custom fields.
- Updated. Uses the first image of VirtueMart product.
- Updated. Display only custom fields of component Content in settings panel of plugin that indexes articles.
- Fixed. error SSL certificate problem - self signed certificate in certificate chain.
- Fixed. bug DJ-classifieds fields not indexed.
- Fixed. bug create incorrect sef urls of EasyDiscuss.

Version 5.0.0 - Major Release
*Release Date: Feb 23, 2022*
- New. Supports Fuzzy Search.
- New. Supports PHP 8.0.
- New. Supports new hosted Elasticsearch service - Elastic Cloud.
- New. Filter by Hikashop characteristics.
- Updated. The look of dashboard.
- Updated. The look of search form.
- Updated. Libary Elasticsearch-PHP to the latest version.
- Updated. Libary AWS-SDK-PHP to the latest version.
- Updated. Libary GuzzleHttp to the latest version.
- Removed. Parameter virtuemart_currency_id from search query string.
- Fixed. Error search results include products of unpublished Virtuemart categories.
- Fixed: Bug filter by access cause error in Joomla 4.

Version 4.8.6 - New Features Release
*Release Date: Jan 05, 2022*
- New. Supports Zoo CCK.
- New. Supports Guru Pro.
- Fix. error class JString not found in Joomla 4.

Version 4.8.5 - New Features Release
*Release Date: Dec 3, 2021*
- New. Filter by date range.
- New. Use category's image for articles that have no image.
- Improved. style of additional information box.

Version 4.8.4 - Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Nov 23, 2021*
- Fixed. error check database updates in Joomla 4. (
- Updated. plugin that indexes content to add content of extra fields after body text.
- Updated. featured field to accept value up to 10.

Version 4.8.3 - New Feature & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Oct 07, 2021*
- New. Support indexing K2 extra fields.
- Fixed. errors in MySQL strict mode.
- Fixed. error replaceAll is not a function.

Version 4.8.2 - Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Jul 28, 2021*
- Fixed. The feature Filter by categories that admin selected in backend does not work after upgrading to version 4.8.0.
- Fixed. Generate incorrect category urls for 3rd components.

Version 4.8.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Jul 01, 2021*
- Updated. compatibility with J4 RC2.
- New. Develop new CLI system plugin to index data in Joomla!4.
- Updated. Plugin indexes Categories to index only categories of component content.
- Updated. Some minor improvements.

Version 4.7.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Apr 18, 2021*
- New. Update Index Settings.
- New. Supports EasySocial 4.0 beta.
- New. Supports indexing EasySocial Marketplace items.
- Updated. Plugin indexes articles to add new setting that enables users to select which field will be displayed for author name (username or real name)
- Improved. Plugin indexes Hikashop products to generate correct urls by category, improve performance of indexing process, filter by any categories that product assigned to.
- Improved. Plugin indexes Hikashop categories to generate correct urls by category.
- Fixed. The variables in the search results template cause error in the browser console.

Version 4.6.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Feb 19, 2021*
- New. Showing and sorting by price.
- New. Indexing data of a single extension.
- Improved. Change the text "search" on a right side of search field to button search.
- Improved. [Content] Index article metadata fields.
- Improved. [Content] Add setting of show/hide author name in description text.

Version 4.5.0 - New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Nov 05, 2020*

- New. Support EasySocial Discussions + Replies.
- New. Add new settings that enables users to select custom fields that contains Latitude + Longitude value (plugin Content).
- New. Scroll to top after search or filter.
- New. Click outside of box to close dropdown box (Layout Dropdown).
- Improved. Indexing process to prevent interrupts if error occurs.
- Improved. Feature "Sort by date" to sort by selected date field.
- Improved. Display the correct last index time.
- Improved: Display Additional field type array.
- Fixed. Warning message on PHP 7.3.
- Fixed. Error if VmConfig not loaded (VirtueMart Product).

Version 4.4.0 - New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Jul 29, 2020*
- New. Support SP Page Builder.
- New. Exclude items of selected categories from search results.
- New. Filter by custom fields of EasySocial.
- New. New setting of Resume Index function that enables to skip the last error item.
- New. Filter by categories of RS Directory.
- Improved. Display featured products of VirtueMart.
- Improved. Set transparent background for search icon.
- Fixed. Generate incorrect url of Tag with multilingual sites.
- Fixed. Get incorrect image of EasySocial - Stream in some

Version 4.3.5 - New Features, & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Apr 21, 2020*
- NEW: Resume Indexing.
- NEW: Display number of remaining items on progress bar.
- FIX: Bug generating incorrect url + image if using CLI script to index data.
- FIX: Error: 0 Class 'Aws\Credentials\CredentialProvider' not found in settings panel of Search module.
- FIX: Bug not display all categories in settings panel of Search module of multilingual website.
- FIX: Indexing is interrupted when indexing Hikashop products.
- FIX: disabled VirtueMart products still display on search results.

Version 4.3.0 - New Features, & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Mar 13, 2020*
- NEW. Supports RSDirectory!.
- NEW. Supports RSEvents!Pro.
- NEW. Managing the Featured items.
- NEW. Sort facet buckets by alphabetical order.
- NEW. Add facets to share url (hash #ges:).
- IMPROVED. Prevent submitting form if users press enter key.
- IMPROVED. Wildcard search with hyphen.
- IMPROVED. Storing and displaying value of multiple select fields.

Version 4.2.2 - New Features, & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Jan 08, 2020*
- NEW. [Geo-distance query] support JReviews.
- FIXED. Search module does not work on IE.

Version 4.2.0 - New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Dec 16, 2019*
- NEW. Support Geo-distance query.
- NEW. Sort displaying order of Faceted Filters.
- NEW. [JEvents] support custom fields.
- IMPROVED. Description cutter function to work smarter.
- FIXED. bug can select one facet multiple times.

Version 4.1.0 - New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Nov 11, 2019*
- NEW. Smart cut description to include a part of content that contains search keywords.
- NEW. [VirtueMart] support custom fields type textarea and editor.
- UPDATED. Log file to add detailed log of indexing process.
- UPDATED. function to generate search endpoint.
- FIXED. Bug when rendering search results template.
- FIXED. Archieved items does not display.
- FIXED. Error when creating category or change category access of K2.
- FIXED. Date does not display correct format.

Version 4.0.0 - Major Release
*Release Date: Aug 20, 2019*
- NEW. Supports Facet Filters & Dynamic Counter.
- CHANGE. a mapping of ElasticSearch index.
- NEW. Auto populate search results.

Version 3.8.0 - New Feature & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Jun 10, 2019*
- NEW. Support ElasticSearch 7.x.
- NEW. [Search Alert] Support to generate RSS Feed for search results.
- NEW. Support to sort by featured items.
- NEW. [Search Module] Add a new setting of "target" for item link on search results.
- NEW. [Hikashop] Add a setting to select Menu item.

Version 3.7.9 - New Feature & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Mar 28, 2019*
- NEW. Add a new setting that enables users to decide whether to enable or disable preparing a content before being indexed with the Joomla content plugins.
- NEW. Add new options for batch size of indexing [500, 1000, 2000].
- NEW. Display a notification in the control panel if there is a new version.
- IMPROVED. Compress a JavaScript file of search module.
- IMPROVED. [Kunena] Add a hash part to item's url.
- FIXED. Incremental index does not work correctly if using ElasticSearch 6.x.
- FIXED. [DocMAN] filter by access does not work correctly.
- FIXED. [EasySocial] some events + groups are not indexed.

Version 3.7.7 - New Feature & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Nov 21, 2018*
- NEW. Enable users to translate content of additional fields.
- NEW. Add setting of Kunena forum alias to correct url of forum topics.
- FIXED. Indexing JReview item failed if its extra field's value is empty.
- FIXED. duplicate slashes in URLs on Joomla 3.9.0.

Version 3.7.5 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Oct 11, 2018*
- NEW. Support EasySocial Stream / Story.
- NEW. Support OS Property.
- NEW. Support Event Booking.
- NEW. Support EShop.
- NEW. Support EDocman.
- FIXED. Error if jQuery uncache enabled.
- IMPROVED. Search function when users chooses to filter search results by both document type and category.
- UPDATED. Search function for Indexed Content page in backend.

Version 3.7.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Aug 4, 2018*
- NEW. Multi terms Wildcard query setting.
- NEW. Highlight Search Terms in Article content.
- NEW. Show and Format Date.
- NEW. Search in EasySocial Custom Fields.
- UPDATED. Correct region code of Singapore
- UPDATED. New AWS regions: China (Ningxia), Canada (Central), EU (London), EU (Paris), AWS GovCloud (US).
- IMPROVED. UI of search results on mobile
- Some minor bug fixes.

Version 3.6.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Jul 1, 2018*
- IMPROVED. Search form & Search results UI.
- NEW. Add a new setting to limit search results to selected categories.
- NEW. Add a new setting for selecting "No Photo".
- IMPROVED. [EasySocial] Generate page url.

Version 3.5.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Jun 7, 2018*
- NEW. Support JooCart.
- NEW. Filter by Access Level.
- NEW. Search mode: Match Phrase Prefix.
- NEW. Add query string to url of items on search results.
- NEW. Set width + left margin of dropdown box.
- FIXED. Error on publish/delete indexed items if using ElasticSearch 6.x.

Version 3.3.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: May 17, 2018*
- NEW. Save search queries to hash (anchor part) of URL. This feature enables users to share search results to others.
- NEW. Support component JoomSEF.
- IMPROVED. Remove short codes from document's content.
- IMPROVED. Update plugin indexes tags.

Version 3.2.0 - New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Mar 29, 2018*
- NEW. Search Analytics - Collect and filter users' search terms to better understand what they are looking for on site.
- NEW. Support Joomla custom fields.
- NEW. [VirtueMart] Select a language database table where data will be retrieved from.
- NEW. [VirtueMart] Select to show or hide child products.
- NEW. Define an update server in extension's manifest.
- FIXED. Exact match search does not work if use Elasticsearch 6.x

Version 3.0.0 - New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Jan 22, 2018*
- NEW. Support ElasticSearch version 6.x.
- NEW. Include items of sub-categories if select parent category.
- NEW. Select categories that are displayed on search form.
- NEW. Translate label of additional fields.
- NEW. Select additional fields that you want to hide from search result.
- IMPROVED. Remove indent characters (plus, minus) from selected category name
- FIXED. Does not work with AWS Elasticsearch 5.5.
- FIXED. search mode 'Wildcard' does not work correctly if keyword contains upper-case letter
- FIXED. Error on deleting post of EasyDiscuss.
- FIXED. Deleted items are still returned on search results.

Version 2.3.0 - New Features, Improvements & Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Oct 24, 2017*
- NEW. Support Wildcard query / partial matching.
- NEW. Update "Send indirect request" feature to support sent request with Basic Authentication
- IMPROVED. Upgrade AWS library and ElasticSearch library to newer version.
- IMPROVED. Update to compatible with EasySocial version 2.1.x
- IMPROVED. File structure of module search.
- IMPROVED. [Hikashop] Use Canonical url if available.
- IMPROVED. [Hikashop] Use thumbnail image instead of original image.
- IMPROVED. [Hikashop] search by product code / SKU
- FIXED. Not all the search terms are highlighted in search results.
- FIXED. "Filter by type" feature does not work properly on Joomla 3.8
- FIXED. Error on running index if PHP iconv library is not installed

Version 2.2.0 - Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Jul 24, 2017*
- NEW. Support DigiCom.
- IMPROVED. code snippet to check and use menu item title.

Version 2.1.1 - Bug Fixes Release
*Release Date: Jul 10, 2017*
- FIXED. no [query] registered for [missing] on ElasticSearch 5.x.
- FIXED. Search function does not work properly if SEF is turned off.

Version 2.1.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Jun 30, 2017*
- NEW. Support DJ-Classifieds.
- NEW. Support DJ-Catalog2.
- NEW. Filter by "Publish End Date".
- IMPROVED. Dashboard view
- IMPROVED. [VirtueMart] Search by SKU
- FIXED. [EasySocial] Doesn't display images if user select storage is AmazonS3

Version 2.0.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Jun 06, 2017*
- NEW. Support FlexiContent.
- IMPROVED. Search on all fields of EasySocial user profile
- IMPROVED. Automatically scroll to top when user navigate to another page of search result.
- FIXED. Doesn't work with DOCMan 3.0.x
- FIXED. Error when removing or changing state item of components what support to run index on theirs after-update event.

Version 1.6.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Apr 26, 2017*
- NEW. Updated to work with Joomla 3.7.
- FIXED. Error when indexing data of EasyBlog version 5.1.
- NEW. Get image of EasyBlog posts
- NEW. Add new setting of search module to allows user can show / hide copyright text below the search form.

Version 1.5.6 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Apr 13, 2017*
- NEW. Support to send search request through server side. This helps to resolve an issue that search function does not work if ElasticSearch service is behind firewall.
- FIXED. Plugins index JomSocial return incorrect links.

Version 1.5.5 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Apr 03, 2017*
- NEW. Support AdsManager component.
- NEW. Some minor updates.

Version 1.5.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Jan 17, 2017*
- NEW. Filter search results by categories.
- NEW. Set the order that items will show in.
- FIXED. Some language texts are not displayed properly if cache is enabled.
- NEW. Added some new settings for module search.
- IMPROVED. Style search form.

Version 1.2.2 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Dec 02, 2016*
- NEW. Support Searchly - Hosted Elasticsearch service.
- ADDED. Add option to show/hide image on search result.
- NEW. Support send search request with Basic Authorization
- IMPROVED. Get correct image for JReview listing items based on its storage setting
- IMPROVED. Show waring message if Elasticsearch serivce is not configured.

Version 1.2.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Nov 18, 2016*
- NEW. Add two new layouts for module search
- NEW. Support JomSocial
- NEW. Support JReviews
- NEW. Support JEvents
- NEW. Support J2Store
- NEW. Add new feature to filter search results by language (For multilingual sites)
- NEW. Add option to enable/disable instant search (See instant results as you type)
- NEW. Add new setting to load Bootstrap framework
- NEW. Add option to show/hide search button
- IMPROVED. Update to work with Elasticsearch 5.0
- FIXED. return incorrect SEF urls if site uses sh404sef component
- FIXED. "Could not parse URI" if not configure value for Endpoint parameter
- FIXED. css errors on Bootstrap 2 - based templates
- FIXED. Image does not display correctly on back-end

Version 1.1.0 - New Features & Improvements Release
*Release Date: Oct 26, 2016*
- NEW. Support EasySocial
- NEW. Support HikaShop
- NEW. Support JoomShopping
- NEW. Support DOCman
- ADDED. New AWS Region - US East (Ohio)
- IMPROVED. Set auto focus on search box after opening search window
- IMPROVED. Display notification if search result return 0 item
- FIXED. Stop making a search request while user is typing too fast on search box
- FIXED. The error of not displaying result if system/core.js file is not loaded

Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release
*Release Date: Oct 12, 2016*

How to install Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Extension

You can install Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Extension via Joomla Installer.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Extension package from the official website.
  2. Login to your Joomla website's administrator dashboard.
  3. Go to the "Extensions" tab and select "Manage" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the "Upload Package File" tab and select the Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Extension package that you downloaded.
  5. Click the "Upload & Install" button to install the extension.
  6. You will see a confirmation message when the installation is complete.

That's it! You can now use Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Extension on your Joomla website.

Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Language Files

Is Joomla Geek Elasticsearch not available in your language?

We understand that not all extensions come equipped with language files, which can make it difficult for non-English speakers to fully utilize them. That's where our Language File Creation service comes in.

Great news!

ExtensionPlazza has now introduced a new feature to help Joomla users worldwide:

With our Joomla Extension Translation Tool, you no longer have to worry about language barriers preventing you from using the Joomla extensions you need. Our tool allows you to easily translate Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Language Files to any language you require, making it easier than ever before to use Joomla extensions in your preferred language.

Joomla Geek Elasticsearch Extension Customization

Do you need Joomla Geek Elasticsearch to do more than what it currently offers? Our expert team can help you extend or customize Joomla Geek Elasticsearch to meet your specific needs and requirements.

At ExtensionPlazza, we specialize in Joomla extension development and customization, and we are committed to providing exceptional services to our clients. We have extensive experience working with Joomla and related technologies, and we can help you create a solution that is tailored to your unique business requirements.

Whether you need a

  • custom integration,
  • additional features,
  • or a complete overhaul of the extension
we are here to help. We will work closely with you to understand your needs and requirements and develop a solution that exceeds your expectations.

Contact us today to learn more about our extension customization and extension development services, and how we can help you take your project to the next level.

You can reach us through the following channels:

Free Extension of December 2024

Each month, ExtensionPlazza brings you a Premium Joomla Extension developed by ExtensionPlazza exclusively for our valued visitors
Get the download link to your email inbox right now!

Extension Specifications

Current Version
Created on
12 October 2016
Last updated on
07 December 2024
Joomla 3,Joomla 4,50,51
Extension Type
Free or Premium
Premium Joomla Extension
Listed in
Joomla Site Search Extensions
Developed by


Joomla Geek Elasticsearch,
Joomla 3,Joomla 4,50,51 Compatible Joomla Geek Elasticsearch is reviewed
4.98 out of 5 by 20 Joomla user(s)

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