Joomla Joom Donation Extension

Joom Donation is leading donation extension for Joomla. It allows you to collect donors information and get donation(one-time and recurring) from them through over 40 online payment gateways such as Paypal,, Stripe, Mollie, PayU, Square etc.

Joomla Joom Donation Extension
Joom Donation is leading donation extension for Joomla. It allows you to collect donors information and get donation(one-time and recurring) from them through over 40 online payment gateways such as Paypal,, Stripe, Mollie, PayU, Square etc.

If you need a donation solution for your site, look no further. Main features:
✔ Support both one-time and recurring donation

✔ Unlimited Donation Campaigns Supported
★ This feature is optional. You don't need to use it if you only want to have simple donation form.
★ You can set GOAL, START DATE, END DATE and description for each campaign.
★ You can track how much money each campaign has received.
★ There is also nice thermometer to show the progress of each campaign
★ Each campaign can have it own pre-defined amounts
★ Each campaign can have it own Paypal account
★ For each campaign, you can set the donation type which it accepts: One-time, recurring or Both (default is Both)

✔ Flexible Custom fields on Donation Form
★ Integrate Joomla account registration (optional)
★ Show/hide, change ordering any fields on donation form
★ You can change, translate the message and the title of the fields on donation form to meet your need.
★ Create custom fields (Text, Textarea, Radio, Dropdown, Checkboxes list, Datetime....) to collect more information of donors if needed
★ Each campaign can has it's own set of custom fields
★ Allow donors to donate by choosing from one of pre-defined amounts or enter any donation amount they want.
★ Allow anonymous donation.
★ Allow donors to choose the currency they want for their donation

✔ Multilingual support: If your site is a multilingual website, you can translate campaigns, donation form fields, email messages... to all languages use on your site

✔ Nice, Clean, Responsive Layout based on twitter bootstrap

✔ Powerful Emails Notification System
★ Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone make a donation (the emails which receives notification is configurable, multiple emails is possible - seperated by comma)
★ Confirmation Emails sent to users when he completes donation
★ All email messages can be configurable from back-end of Joom Donation.

✔ Support 40+ payment gateways
★The most popular payment gateways: Paypal,, Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default.
★Other payment gateways such as 2Checkout, SIM (Server integration method) ,Google Checkout, First Data, iDEAL Mollie, Stripe, PayU Latam .etc are released as separate payment plugins. See Payment Plugins tab to see list of available payment plugins. See supported payment plugins here:
★Using Omnipay payment library.
★If you need a payment plugin which is not supported, you can contact us and we will give you quotation for the development.

✔ Embed Donation form (of a campaign) into Joomla article

✔ Export Donors into CSV file

✔ Built-in translation tool

✔ Integration with Joomla core Profile, Community Builder, EasySocial, Easy Profile and Jomsocial

✔ Captcha & SSL integration

✔ Multiple modules: Donation module, Campaigns module, Thermometer module, Donors list module (Latest donors, Top Donors, Random donors)

✔ Other features
★ Donation History page which display donation history of a donors
★ Donors page which display list of donors (from selected campaigns, in the order selected by admin)
★ Other Third party extensions integration: CC Newsletter, AcyMailing
★ CB plugin which display donation history of the user in his Community Builder Profile
★ Jomsocial plugin which display donation history of the user in his Jomsocial Profile

Released notes

Joom Donation - Version 5.10.7 - Released on August 2024
- Add `access` options for campaigns and custom fields
- Improve existing payment gateways

Joom Donation - Version 5.10.6 - Released on June 2024
- Update core of Joom Donation to make it to work with CLI and API applications
- Add Max/min donation amount for campaigns
- Add option Active Simple multilingual in case your site has a lot of languages installed

Joom Donation - Version 5.10.5 - Released on June 2024
- Add new payment library (Compatible with Joomla 5 and PHP 8)
- Improve SQL queries installation
- Add Donation Smart Search plugin
- Fix issues in previous versions

Joom Donation - Version 5.10.4 - Released on April 2024
- Add campaign categories
- Support Joomla media for campaign photos
- Support JD Captcha
- Add option to register Joomla user once donation is complete
- Improve modules: JD Campaigns, JD Donors
- Fix issues in previous versions

Joom Donation - Version 5.10.3 - Released on February 2024
- Allow to assign new custom field to more than one campaigns
- Add option to register Joomla user once the payment is completed
- Improve Mailchimp plugin
- Add Joom Donation system plugin
- Fix issues in previous versions

Joom Donation - Version 5.10.2 - Released on December 2023
- Support dark theme
- Fix issue with Google reCaptcha on Joomla 3
- Fix minor issues

Joom Donation - Version 5.10.1 - Released on October 2023
- Add campaign statistic dashboard at frontend side
- Improve User campaigns layout
- Add option to send Request payment in Donors management
- Add Gift Aid option
- Improve Joom Donation module
- Improve payment library
- Fix issues in previous versions

Joom Donation - Version 5.10.0 - Released on August 2023
- Fully compatible with Joomla 5

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.16 - Released on June 2023
- Improve Donation complete layout
- Improve Simple Donation layout - Recurring field
- Improve Custom extra field feature - Heading field
- Add option to Export Revenue PDF
- Fix minor issues

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.15 - Released on April 2023
- Fix recurring donation on and Mollie payment gateways
- Improve JD Billplz payment gateway
- Improve Donation module - mod_joomdonation
- Add Checkbox "Deposit paid" in Donor details
- Fix issue in donors list Backend
- Improve Donors PDF export function

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.14 - Released on February 2023
- Improve Sef router feature
- Improve Donors module
- Improve payment library of component
- Fix issue on Email logs
- Fix issue on Payment plugins uninstalling

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.13 - Released on January 2023
- Show Paid status in Donation history layout
- Add Dedicate information in CSV export
- Fix issues from previous versions

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.12 - Released on December 2022
- Improve Joom Donation module
- Fix CSS issue in Donation form
- Fix Sef issue in Donation component
- Fix Invoice number issue in PDF Invoice
- Apply Bootstrap 5 in first installation on Joomla4 environment

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.11 - Released on November 2022
- Add option to change highlight and progress bar to campaign
- Improve campaigns list layout
- Fix minor issues

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.10 - Released on October 2022
- Add Label Floating feature in Simple Donation Form on Joomla4 and Bootstrap5
- Fix issue in Configuration on Joomla4 and PHP8
- Fix issue on Donation module

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.9- Released on September 2022
- Add option to show/hide Campaign's goal
- Add function to "auto-populate" donor Name and Email when adding new donor at Backend side
- Fix Payment fee issue at Backend side
- Fix issue on StripeCheckout payment gateway with latest Stripe API Version

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.8- Released on August 2022
- Fix issue on Paypal Donation
- Fix issue in embed Donation form (Joomla article, SP Page Builder..etc)

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.7- Released on July 2022
- Provide solution to fix issue with Paypal donation type
- Improve Payfast payment gateway
- Add Paypal STC (Standard Checkout) payment gateway
- Fix issue in previous versions

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.6- Released on June 2022
- Add new solution to prevent spam through Donation form
- Add JD SquareCard payment gateway
- Improve JD iDeal payment gateway to support Sandbox and Live credentials
- Improve Joom Donation module layout
- Add option to show Total donated amount in Donation form
- Integrate with Input Mask to custom fields
- Add new parameters to custom fields to have more options in displaying them on donation form
- Add option to override payment gateway logo

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.5- Released on April 2022
- Improve filtering form in Donors list
- Add Campaign Owner notification email
- Add Reply email in Global Configuration and Campaigns
- Add Honoree information in CSV Export
- Improve Donation layout

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.4- Released on February 2022
- Retouch layout of Joom Donation in Joomla 4
- Add drag & drop order option with campaigns, fields
- Add some changes in database structure

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.3- Released on December 2021
- Fix issues of Joom Donation from previous versions

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.2- Released on October 2021
- Fix issues of Joom Donation on Joomla 4

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.1- Released on September 2021
- Fix issues of Joom Donation on Joomla 4

Joom Donation - Version 5.9.0- Released on August 2021
- Fully compatible with Joomla 4
- Fix "Add this" issue in Donation layouts
- Improve module JD Campaigns
- Improve My Donations layout
- Upgrade TCPDF library
- Add option to show/hide Amount field in specific Campaign

Joom Donation - Version 5.8.8 - Released on June 2021
- Add new Custom field type: PHP
- Improve Stripe and Stripe Checkout payment gateways
- Compatible with Joomla4 RC 10

Joom Donation - Version 5.8.7- Released on May 2021
- Integrate With Joomla! Privacy Consent
- Add option to exclude campaigns in Campaigns listing
- Add function to export donors to PDF
- Fix Stripe Checkout payment gateway issue

Joom Donation - Version 5.8.6- Released on April 2021
- Change Radio Buttons in Donation Form to Buttons Group
- Improve UI of module: mod_jdonation
- Add option to leave/ not leave space between currency symbol and amount
- Fix issue on saving Donation Dedicate fields at Backend side
- Fix issue on showing Pre-defined donation amounts on mobile screen

Joom Donation - Version 5.8.5- Released on March 2021
- Improve Pre-defined amounts in Donation form (Simple Donation layout)
- Honoree options can be configured/ selected
- Fix UIKit CSS library issue

Joom Donation - Version 5.8.4- Released on February 2020
- Compatible with Joomla 4 Beta 7
- Improve Simple Donation layout
- Fix issue on Statistic feature

Joom Donation - Version 5.8.3- Released on January 2020
- Add access level for payment plugins
- Add default selected option with pre-defined amounts
- Moving Payment fee field to Payment Information part on Donation form

Joom Donation - Version 5.8.2- Released on November 2020
- Improve Invoice feature
- Add new email type: Offline payment received
- Improve Re-send emails function
- Add Donation complete Url
- Support more tags in Donation receipt and email content

Joom Donation - Version 5.8.1- Released on October 2020
- Add Email logs feature
- Improve Custom Fields feature
- Add Invoice PDF Fonts selection
- Fix issue on Custom Field: File Upload
- Remove Google Plus sharing option

Joom Donation - Version 5.8.0- Released on August 2020
- Compatible with Joomla 4 Beta
- Improve JD Campaigns module
- Improve JD Thermometer module

Joom Donation - Version 5.7.3- Released on June 2020
- Add option to cancel recurring donation
- Disable showing Meta data in Donation form through JD Form module or JD Form content plugin

Joom Donation - Version 5.7.2- Released on May 2020
- Add option to send donation receipt to administrator
- Improve Acym plugin
- Fix Bootstrap 4 stylesheet issue
- Fix Custom Field "SQL" issue

Joom Donation - Version 5.7.1- Released on April 2020
- Fix Paypal payment plugin issue
- Fix Default Donation layout issue

Joom Donation - Version 5.7.0- Released on April 2020
- Add Statistic View at Backend side
- Add Payment fee (percentage and fixed amount) for existing payment plugins
- Add custom Recurring frequencies for campaigns
- Improve Donation form to show/hide Donation type, Tribute donation automatically
- Improve Joom Donation ACL Management to add "Manage Campaigns" permission
- Fix issue on Custom fields : State dropdown, Date types

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.17- Released on March 2020
- Update Payment library to solve the issue with and Mollie payment plugins
- Fix issue on passing reCaptcha with logged users

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.16- Released on March 2020
- Add Offline payment email template for campaigns
- Fix issue on Country dropdown select list in previous version

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.15- Released on February 2020
- Add option to show module JD Campaigns in grid layout
- Add option to make the Campaign is private (no public)
- Improve Simple Donation layout in showing custom fields based on specific campaigns

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.14- Released on January 2020
- Fix issue on running Joomla content plugin in Campaign description

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.13- Released on November 2019
- Add Meta Keyword, Meta Description and Browser Page title for campaign
- Improve Donation module (mod_jdonation)

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.12 - Released on November 2019
- Fix Currency issue before processing donation
- Processing Joomla Content plugins in Campaign description (in Donation layout)

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.11 - Released on October 2019
- Add option to convert/not convert currencies before processing donation
- Add Custom Donation url configure option which redirecting donor after making donation.

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.10 - Released on October 2019
- Add JD Offline credit card payment plugin

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.9 - Released on October 2019
- Fix Google reCaptcha Visible issue

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.8 - Released on October 2019
- Compatible with Joomla4 Alpha
- Remove Joomla deprecated functions
- Add option to remove unpaid donation records
- Improve some payment plugins: JD Stripe Checkout, JD Securepay
- Alter some DB columns

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.7 - Released on August 2019
- Add ACYM plugin

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.6 - Released on June 2019
- Add Campaign Search module
- Add option to allow only administrator to export donors at frontend side
- Add option to show/hide brackets in pre-defined donation amount explanation
- Fix issue on Custom field: State
- Fix issue on Grid layout of Campaigns list

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.5 - Released on May 2019
- Add option to show/hide campaign details in Campaign donation page
- Add option for multiple languages for PDF receipt
- Improve Sef router of component
- Add German language package
- Fix duplicate campaigns when adding new campaign from frontend

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.4 - Released on April 2019
- Add option to hide campaign details for each campaign
- Add option for multiple languages for PDF receipt content

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.3 - Released on March 2019
- Add Resend Email button in Donors list (Backend) to allow administrator to send donation confirmation emails to donors manually
- Add Donors export function at Donors list (Frontend side)
- Adjust Toolbar buttons in Joom Donation Configuration page
- Add function to Purge Joom Donation Sef urls
- Add function to share Joom Donation translation
- Fix issue Language constants overridden when installing new Joom Donation version

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.2 - Released on February 2019
- Add feature to add campaigns at frontend side
- Manage campaigns at fronted
- Manage receiving donation at frontend
- Add feature to migrate language constants to avoid language overridden when installing
- Fix some issues on core library

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.1 - Released on January 2019
- Fix layout issues on campaigns list
- Fix JD module issue
- Fix issue when Goal of campaigns are zero

Joom Donation - Version 5.6.0 - Released on January 2019
- Add Short description for campaigns
- Add Columns layout for Campaigns list
- Update Bootstrap CSS
- Add new Color configure options
- Add Og:description meta tag in Donation form
- Add option to stop receiving donation when campaign expired
- Endable donation with Goal actieved campaigns
- Add option to stop receiving donation when campaign is donated by X donors
- Remove brackets beside pre-defined amounts
- Add donor location in JD Donors module

Joom Donation - Version 5.5.0 - Released on December 2018
- Add feature to select payment methods for Campaigns
- Add option to override From Name, From Email for campaigns
- Fix issue on showing Custom field: Checkbox in Simple layout
- Improve JD Mollie payment plugin - add recurring option

Joom Donation - Version 5.4.10 - Released on October 2018
- Improve layouts of Campaigns and Donors modules
- Improve Campaigns list layout
- Add option to optimize Sef links of component

Joom Donation - Version 5.4.9 - Released on October 2018
- Add Dedicate donation feature
- Improve Currency Convert function
- Improve Configuration, Category, Donor modification layouts
- Improve Payment library

Joom Donation - Version 5.4.8 - Released on September 2018
- Add Mailchimp Newsletter subscription plugin
- Fix Donation Simple layout issue

Joom Donation - Version 5.4.7 - Released on August 2018
- Fix issue on Currency convert
- Fix issue on passing donation amount from Donation module to component

Joom Donation - Version 5.4.6 - Released on August 2018
- Support Stripe Card Element
- Fix Custom fields showing in Simple Donation layout
- Fix SQL error in ACYMailing plugin

Joom Donation - Version 5.4.5 - Released on August 2018
- Add campaign details in Donation form
- Adding Newsletter subscriber option in Donation form (Integrate with Acymailing)
- New option to show/hide payment fee in Donation details layout

Joom Donation - Version 5.4.4 - Released on July 2018
- Add new Donation form layout
- Add Payment fee into Donation receipt and Donation confirmation email

Joom Donation - Version 5.4.3 - Released on June 2018
- Add option to store/not store Donor IP addresses
- Add option to show Captcha with Public donors only
- Fix issue on Payment fee
- Fix issue with Multiple currencies
- Fix currency converter issue
- Fix Paypal payment method issue

Joom Donation - Version 5.4.2 - Released on April 2018
- Support GDPR
- Fix some minor issues

Joom Donation - Version 5.4 - Released on April 2018
- Compatible with Joomla 4
- Support Twitter Bootstrap Version 4
- Improve Stripe payment plugin
- Add Exclude Campaign IDs in Donors list
- Improve Mollie payment plugn
- Add responsive feature with table layouts
- Add new tag [DONATION_TYPE] in email templates

Joom Donation - Version 5.3 - Released on March 2018
- Fix Paypal IPN issue
- Fix JD Stripe recurring issue

Joom Donation - Version 5.2 - Released on December 2017
- Add Year and Paid status filter on Donors list
- Allow to Export Donors by filter options
- Fix issue on Campaigns list
- Update Paypal Pro payment plugin to TLS 1.2
- Improve iDeal Mollie payment plugin
- Improve Stripe payment plugin - Support recurring donation
- Remove Campaign Description meta tag in Donation form
- Add new language constant to show Donation title on Payment sites

Joom Donation - Version 5.1 - Released on September 2017
- Add Spam Detect plugin (Using Stopforumspam API)
- Add Filter Donors by Currencies
- Statistic Donation by Currencies
- Fix Login/ Registration issue on Donation form
- Fix Translation tool issue at Back-end side
- Improve Joom Donation installation success layout

Joom Donation - Version 5.0 - Released on August 2017
- Add feature to Integrate with EasySocial and Easy Profile
- Add feature to skip Login/ Registration on Donation form
- Add Joomla Menu Meta description in layouts: Campaigns and Donation form
- Improve Donation module - mod_jdonation
- Improve Payment library to work with Eway TLS 1.2
- Migrate language files when installing new version
- Fix issue to Update component from Back-end side

Joom Donation - Version 4.8 - Released on July 2017
- Show description of extra fields in Donation form
- Improve layout: Campaigns list - Add feature to filter Campaigns with Owner IDs
- Fix issue on pages navigation of Translation tool at Back-end of Joom Donation
- Fix Donors export issue

Joom Donation - Version 4.7 - Paypal verification and Paypal return issues fixed (April 2017)
This version fixed the issue with Paypal verification and Paypal return (from Paypal site to your owner site)

Joom Donation - Version 4.6 - Paypal Security Announcement - Released on 14th Mar2017
This version fixed a medium level security issue which happens with PayPal payment plugin. In older version, PayPal payment plugin has a bug which allow dis-honest users with certain level technical skill can pay for the subscription using different currency with the currency you set for your system, thus paying lower price for the subscription.

Joom Donation - Version 4.5 - Released on 14th Mar2017
- Add field Owner for campaign
- Fix Paypal notify url error
- Fix Translation tool issue at Back-end side

Joom Donation - Version 4.4 - Released on 17th Feb 2017
- Disable Donation function with Outdated campaigns
- Add Campaign photo
- Add Social Sharing in Donation form
- Add Custom CSS in Configuration
- Migrate old and new language files when installation
- Add Download ID to allow you to upgrade new version from Back-end of Joomla site
- Fix issue to show campaign header text in donation page
- Fix issue when exporting donor information to CSV
- Improve Omnipay library

How to install Joomla Joom Donation Extension

You can install Joomla Joom Donation Extension via Joomla Installer.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Joomla Joom Donation Extension package from the official website.
  2. Login to your Joomla website's administrator dashboard.
  3. Go to the "Extensions" tab and select "Manage" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the "Upload Package File" tab and select the Joomla Joom Donation Extension package that you downloaded.
  5. Click the "Upload & Install" button to install the extension.
  6. You will see a confirmation message when the installation is complete.

That's it! You can now use Joomla Joom Donation Extension on your Joomla website.

Joomla Joom Donation Language Files

Is Joomla Joom Donation not available in your language?

We understand that not all extensions come equipped with language files, which can make it difficult for non-English speakers to fully utilize them. That's where our Language File Creation service comes in.

Great news!

ExtensionPlazza has now introduced a new feature to help Joomla users worldwide:

With our Joomla Extension Translation Tool, you no longer have to worry about language barriers preventing you from using the Joomla extensions you need. Our tool allows you to easily translate Joomla Joom Donation Language Files to any language you require, making it easier than ever before to use Joomla extensions in your preferred language.

Joomla Joom Donation Extension Customization

Do you need Joomla Joom Donation to do more than what it currently offers? Our expert team can help you extend or customize Joomla Joom Donation to meet your specific needs and requirements.

At ExtensionPlazza, we specialize in Joomla extension development and customization, and we are committed to providing exceptional services to our clients. We have extensive experience working with Joomla and related technologies, and we can help you create a solution that is tailored to your unique business requirements.

Whether you need a

  • custom integration,
  • additional features,
  • or a complete overhaul of the extension
we are here to help. We will work closely with you to understand your needs and requirements and develop a solution that exceeds your expectations.

Contact us today to learn more about our extension customization and extension development services, and how we can help you take your project to the next level.

You can reach us through the following channels:

Free Extension of September 2024

Each month, ExtensionPlazza brings you a Premium Joomla Extension developed by ExtensionPlazza exclusively for our valued visitors
Get the download link to your email inbox right now!

Extension Specifications

Current Version
Created on
19 January 2009
Last updated on
07 August 2024
Joomla 3,Joomla 4,50
Extension Type
Free or Premium
Premium Joomla Extension
Listed in
Joomla Donations Extensions
Developed by
Ossolution Team


Joomla Joom Donation,
Joomla 3,Joomla 4,50 Compatible Joomla Joom Donation is reviewed
5 out of 5 by 284 Joomla user(s)

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