Joomla Sellacious Extension

Sellacious is a free eCommerce platform available for Joomla designed to grow your business quickly. It is simple to install, user friendly interactive admin interface and comes packed with features like Enterprise level configurations, status, permission, e-wallet, listing and commission, tax and discount management etc with native Multi and single vendor architecture, Front-end product filters, Multivariant products, Caching, SEO friendly shop outputs and awesome support. Hundreds of features to explore, ready to scale to meet your low or high traffic demands, Definitely a kick-ass e-commerce and marketplace software.

Joomla Sellacious Extension
Sellacious is a free eCommerce platform available for Joomla designed to grow your business quickly. It is simple to install, user friendly interactive admin interface and comes packed with features like Enterprise level configurations, status, permission, e-wallet, listing and commission, tax and discount management etc with native Multi and single vendor architecture, Front-end product filters, Multivariant products, Caching, SEO friendly shop outputs and awesome support. Hundreds of features to explore, ready to scale to meet your low or high traffic demands, Definitely a kick-ass e-commerce and marketplace software.

- Very Simple and user-friendly admin panel
- Configure to your needs, disable Multi-vendor, multi variant, product comparison, etc and transform your admin panel and frontend on click of a button.
- Simple Shop/Multi Vendor system
- Natively Multi Vendor marketplace
- Manage Listing Fee/commission for sellers
- Multi Variant for each product
- Each product can be sold by multiple sellers
- Internal Messaging to seller and clients
- Enterprise level management of staff/seller/client permissions
- SEO Friendly
- Compare Products
- Frontend Filters
- Custom Fields
- Multiple level Shop rules
- Plugin based shop rules and interface (extend the way you want)
- Categories everything, from clients, manufacturers, products, sellers and everything else
- Special Categories for products, like featured, bordered, or anything you want, charge sellers for making their listing special if multi vendor is enabled.
- Return and Exchange Policy Management
- Order status management
- eWallet and Transaction reporting
- Single user Multiple profiles ( the same user can be seller and staff)
- Measurement unit management
- Payment Method creation and management.
- B2B Features
- Guest Checkout
- Smart search based Search Engine
- Latest and Related Products modules

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.5.1 ::::::::####::::::::
Bug fixes and license changes

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.5.0 ::::::::####::::::::
- Compatibility for Joomla 3.8
- Sellacious asks you to setup basic options on startup. Setup Sellacious according to your needs more easily.
- Sellacious is now 90% multilingual ready. Start translating Sellacious in your own language.
- Product Filter is now available as Module.
- You can now set styling options for all special categories, Not just the default ones.
- Sellacious backend has got its own menu manager. Now, Customise Sellacious menu in clicks.
- SEF Frontend URLs: Choose your own SEO friendly URLs now and create them via Joomla menu manager.
- Duplicate existing Products with a click.
- View products in frontend in a single click.
- Improved email templates with 'To', 'CC', 'BCC' etc.
- Improved Product caching for faster user experience.
- More control over form fields to display during front-end user registration.
- Several other improvements.

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.4.7 ::::::::####::::::::
- Compatibility for Joomla 3.7
- Upload images via FTP
- Several bug fixes

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.4.6 ::::::::####::::::::

- Now the latest products and related products modules come along with this package.
- Offering Premium Trial license to unlock the hidden features for FREE for a limited time.
- Supports Joomla smart search built right within sellacious to allow searching products using content indexing.

- Much awaited Guest Checkout. This is guest checkout in the TRUE sense. No user registration takes place at all of the users choosing guest checkout, not even a hidden one.
- Customers can access their order using the URL in their email directly, without needing to log in to your shop every time.
- Now choose whether you want to allow checkout with ZERO priced items or a cart with ZERO order value.
- Now choose whether to allow selling of out of stock products.
- Now configure a minimum order value which must be met to be able to place an order.
- Each seller can now configure a minimum quantity and/or maximum quantity that can be ordered for each product individually.
- Forex now automatically attempts to fetch live rates if no exchange rates are available in your site database for a requested currency pair. This rate is then stored in the database for further use.
- For each payment method, you can choose whether you want it to be available for guest checkout or not.
- Email templates for various email triggers in sellacious now shipped with the release package.

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.4.5 ::::::::####::::::::

- Fixed bug which caused the menu to not update when upgrading to newer sellacious version.

- Major cart revive. Now sellacious shopping cart supports items from other external sources as well.

- Email templates improvements and few more shortcodes added to various email templates.

- Finder plugin now allows specifications values too as search keyword.

- Now you can choose within global configuration which fields to show in checkout address form.

- Set your own validation pattern for ZIP Code and mobile number for address forms.

- Set your own pattern for Order Number generated for the order placed.

- Bug fixes and several other overall improvements.

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.4.4 ::::::::####::::::::

- Meta description/keywords from product rendered in product detail pages.
- If payment fails for an order, the customer can re-attempt payments from the order page.
- Use itemised shipment methods or single shipment method for entire cart.
- Option to show or hide products with no defined price (zero price) and/or out of stock products.
- Seller specific storefronts showing only the products listed by the selected seller.
- Check out page major improvement.
- Continue shopping link added to shopping cart modals.
- Feature to add custom form fields to any shipping method. The user would be prompted to fill those in when selecting the shipment method.
- Introducing Checkout Form that allows you to ask the customer for few additional information during checkout.
- The customer can now specify for each of their addresses whether it is a residential address or an office address.
- Address now also contains company name and Post Box number fields.
- Detailed registration and profile pages for customers in front-end per customer category.
- Improved modal layouts to allow support for different templates.
- Not saving payment credentials with order automatically, to do so you'd need to configure your payment method accordingly from the backend.
- Less mandatory fields in product edit form, now create a product with just title, category, and price.
- Included PayPal standard plugin for this package. Now you can configure your PayPal payment integration with just an email address.
- MooKiller plugin included with this package to avoid mooTools conflicts in the sellacious backend. It will NOT affect any other part of your website.

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.4.1 ::::::::####::::::::

281 changed, 3 removed, 463 new files.

PayPal Plugin included as Free
Forex conversion plugin included Free
GeoLocation Data up to state levels for all countries available on "geodata"

Core enhancements:

- Eproducts Launched: Can make rigorous eproduct shopping cart/Marketplace
- Physical/eProduct Package Launched: Now make package of multiple products and sell it as one product (don't confuse it with configurable products)
- Automatic Forex update 24 hours and manual sync using Yahoo and Fixed API
- Sellacious custom form-fields rendering can now be customised using template overrides.
- Front-end speed and performance optimisation.
- Shop rules (tax/discounts) filters improved.
- Improved Geo-location database. Up to state-level global data already in core now. Continents and countries were already there.
- More geolocation data available for download at that can be directly imported into sellacious.
- Product packages support added.
- Improved shopping cart.
- Improved support for e-products, downloads after purchase etc.
- Add custom license attributions (e.g. GPL) to your listed e-products.

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.3.2 ::::::::####::::::::

6 normal Bug Fixes
2 important session bug fix

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.3.0 ::::::::####::::::::

New Features:

No need to subscribe to download.
Directly Install from Web
Or Download from without subscription
Enhanced seller/admin dashboard
Permissions setting page improved with grouped/accordion
Internal Messages with threaded reply
Improved Order management
Direct Invoice download
Direct Receipt download
Direct Print View
Modal Status history Log
Transactions which took place in particular order.
Bulk and Keyboard shortcuts:
Inventory manager view
Bulk product price and stock
Bulk variant price and stock
+ Keyboard shortcuts
Communication log: View every email sent from the system
New improved segmented Global configurations.
Email Templates
Introducing 5 more types of email templates for more personalized behavior.
Automatic email notification for seller registration
Automatic email notification of new message received
Automatic email notification for new transaction (add fund/withdrawal request)
Currency from IP:
Auto-detect user's currency from his location (if available) for guest users.
Block Checkout
If you don't want user to check out and just want sellacious as advanced catalogue use this feature
Enable/Disable checkout from Global Config.
Footer with active license information.
Additional Filters for Tax and Discounts (coupons yet to come)
Enormous power on tax and discounts, define them for particular geographical location
User visits/page view stats

7 New Payment Methods in Appstore:
Razor Pay (India)
Bank debit and Credit card

Marketplace Features:

Shipped by Seller or shop for multi-seller sites
User groups fixes for client/seller/manufacturer/staff category assignment to users
Auto-assign default client category to new registered users.
Seller can set shipment origin
Seller can set shippable locations

Bug Fixes:

Login permissions
Permissions for various views
Product grid and list layout
Compare bar to frontend pages
Seller registration
Collapsible menu
Coupon Page
+ 343 small and big bug fixes

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.0.4 Beta ::::::::####::::::::

New and Powerful Tax/Discount Filters:
Individual Product rule or Entire Cart rule
Start End Date
Product Categories
Individual Products
Quantity Range
Min-Max Bill amount
Client Categories
Address to Match-Billing, Shipping, Both or Any
The country, State, City or Zip codes.
Or mix of any of the above
GeoLocations [Creation and Implementation]
Create and manage Geolocation
Easy create Child Geolocation by ',' comma separated values.
Implementation of Geolocation configuration for ship-able and billable address
Configuration to let seller choose shipping locations or not
Ship-able locations in seller profile (if enabled).
Tax & Discount rules based on Geolocations
Make taxes or Discounts based on Geo rules, example: Apply some tax on particular product category ship-able to particular state, city or zipcodes of any country.
Product Cache, Dead Lock condition bug Fixed.
Bug in permissions fixed, now all accesses will work without administrative permissions.
Seller permission fixed
Buyers can filter products which are ship-able to their locations
Appropriate Geo location based Tax/Discount will be applied after the user inputs his billing/shipping address.
Grid and List view in product layout
CSS based Grid and List layouts implemented in product list view.
Bug Fixes: Other several bug fixes.

::::::::####:::::::: Change Log 1.0.3 Beta ::::::::####::::::::

Change Log:

Compare Products
Entirely New module to view products in comparison from frontend
Remove from compare list- Fixed
Add to compare from Wish List - Fixed ...

Product Cache:
Added cache layer to fasten the process of frontend price, and tax rules calculations.
Rewritten Listing SQL to work with new optimized cache tables
Rating and Reviews:
Entire new module added with all advance features like certified buyer badges, permissions etc.
Rating specific Global configurations added
Start ratings showing correct data on:
Category pages
Product Pages
Wish List
and other pages where ratings were visible
Entire new page for ratings & Reviews under 'shop menu'
Product page
Seller Page
Bug Fixes: Other several bug fixes.

Download from here:

If not subscribed already, kindly subscribe here:
If you are looking to make your shopping cart ecommerce or marketplace by using virtuemart eshop redshop j2store hikashop hikamarket joomshopping jmarket joocommerce or any other shopping cart extension, you should definitely try sellacious also to feel the difference in quality of code, features, and interface.

- Awesome Support

How to install Joomla Sellacious Extension

You can install Joomla Sellacious Extension via Joomla Installer.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Joomla Sellacious Extension package from the official website.
  2. Login to your Joomla website's administrator dashboard.
  3. Go to the "Extensions" tab and select "Manage" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the "Upload Package File" tab and select the Joomla Sellacious Extension package that you downloaded.
  5. Click the "Upload & Install" button to install the extension.
  6. You will see a confirmation message when the installation is complete.

That's it! You can now use Joomla Sellacious Extension on your Joomla website.

Joomla Sellacious Language Files

Is Joomla Sellacious not available in your language?

We understand that not all extensions come equipped with language files, which can make it difficult for non-English speakers to fully utilize them. That's where our Language File Creation service comes in.

Great news!

ExtensionPlazza has now introduced a new feature to help Joomla users worldwide:

With our Joomla Extension Translation Tool, you no longer have to worry about language barriers preventing you from using the Joomla extensions you need. Our tool allows you to easily translate Joomla Sellacious Language Files to any language you require, making it easier than ever before to use Joomla extensions in your preferred language.

Joomla Sellacious Extension Customization

Do you need Joomla Sellacious to do more than what it currently offers? Our expert team can help you extend or customize Joomla Sellacious to meet your specific needs and requirements.

At ExtensionPlazza, we specialize in Joomla extension development and customization, and we are committed to providing exceptional services to our clients. We have extensive experience working with Joomla and related technologies, and we can help you create a solution that is tailored to your unique business requirements.

Whether you need a

  • custom integration,
  • additional features,
  • or a complete overhaul of the extension
we are here to help. We will work closely with you to understand your needs and requirements and develop a solution that exceeds your expectations.

Contact us today to learn more about our extension customization and extension development services, and how we can help you take your project to the next level.

You can reach us through the following channels:

Free Extension of January 2025

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Extension Specifications

Current Version
Created on
13 December 2015
Last updated on
23 April 2022
Joomla 3
Extension Type
Free or Premium
Free Joomla Extension
Listed in
Joomla Shopping Cart Extensions
Developed by
Abhishek Agrawal


Joomla Sellacious,
Joomla 3 Compatible Joomla Sellacious is reviewed
4.05 out of 5 by 40 Joomla user(s)

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